"...Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone." Ephesians 2:20
Jesus established the church to be a community of believers who would worship God in spirit and in truth, to be a family that encourages each other in unity, and to project His love to the world. As a church family, our goal is to love the Lord the way He intends for us to and to love one another unconditionally.
If you are searching for a group of people to accept you where you are and support your growth as a follower of Jesus, "Welcome", for that is our goal. For those who call this home, we commit to pray, to listen with compassion, to forgive and to nurture. We invite you to explore our Father with us in worship, fellowship, growth, and service.
Sunday Services: 9:30 A.M. Bible Study Groups 10:30 A.M. Worship
Christian Minister: Curt Leonard
" No creed but Christ;
no book but the Bible;
no law but love."
"In essentials, unity;
in non-essentials, liberty;
in all things, love."
Southside Christians are in love with Jesus Christ, and we hope it shows in every aspect of our lives. Our services are warm and friendly, and we welcome new folks into the fellowship.
We invite you to listen and be inspired from our past sermons. Maybe you missed them or would like to hear them again.
We hope you will consider a tax-deductible gift for the Lord's work through the stewardship of Southside Christian Church.
Would you like to contact us about a prayer request or special need?
Please send your request using the form.
Members : Please call the church office
(941) 371-1066 for more timely notifications.
church functions
Southside Christian Church loves our members and our friends. Throughout the year we coordinate events and functions to show our appreciation and bring each other closer together. Please browse our photos to the right and enjoy!

Our Location
4111 Webber St. | Sarasota, FL 34232
(941) 371-1066