Missions Ministry

At Southside, world missions is a central part of our interest and activity.  How would the faith of Christianity have spread around the world had it not been for missionaries like Paul and the other apostles?  We support several missionary ministries here in the USA and abroad.   Our missions committee meets once a  month and  we learn about current news from missionaries, pray for the work of the Lord around the world, and enjoy a delicious meal together.  We keep a missions bulletin board and hold a yearly mission emphasis with guest speakers and displays.

Check out our links to some of the beautiful people who carry the word of Christ to the world.


Sisters In Service Women’s Ministry

SIS is a ministry of Southside women who love to meet together bi- monthly to study the scriptures, pray and support one another, and take on service projects.  They support our outreach and hospitality activities with volunteer help and organizational wisdom.  Some of their events include food packing and processing to feed the hungry, preparing Christmas shoe boxes for foster and orphan children, and organizing showers for weddings, funerals and new birth families.  Our women have a vital role in the ministry of the church.


Men’s Bible Study

Each Saturday morning at 8:30, there is small group study for men who want to increase their knowledge of the Word of God.  Most often we are in a particular book of the Bible but now and then, we may find a good study book to explore.



Christian music is such an important part of our faith and worship.  Although many congregations do not have choir ministry, we have kept ours going.  There are still people in the congregation who like to sing and use their voices to give glory to God.  Good songs stay in your head all week long as a reminder of God’s love and kindness.  There is also support for one another in prayer and networking helps.